Personnel Committees


Each department of the centre has a Personnel Committee. Each committee is a parity committee. It is composed of one instructor from the department and one representative of the administration of the centre, with the exception of the English Department and the French Department. The English Department Personnel Committee is composed of two instructors and two representatives of the administration of the centre. As well, the French Department Personnel Committee is composed of two instructors and two representatives of the administration of the centre.
The tasks of the Personnel Committee members are to verify the assignment of courses, verify qualification criteria for non-teaching contracts, make recommendations for assignments of non-teaching contracts, and verify seniority points for instructors’ experience and education (if applicable in the department). As well, Personnel Committee members assist in the recruitment of new instructors and evaluate the teaching qualification requirements for new courses.

Article 24 of the collective agreement covers Personnel Committees. It stipulates that members of these committees shall serve the interests of the department that they represent and those of the centre as well as the interests of the instructors who teach in their department.


Business & Administration Department
Carmen Kuczewski
Communications Department
Ellen Lechter
Computer Department
Santo Romano
English Department
Beverley LeBlanc
Kamran Ghazi
Photography Department
Selvin Cortez